Friday, May 22, 2009

i morgen

I leave tomorrow, i morgen! It's hard to believe that I can actually say those words now. I was at the gym earlier with my mom and I told one of the trainers there that I'm leaving tomorrow--and then I gasped for a second and said, "yes, I leave tomorrow". Wow! I've been planning this trip essentially since December...and, well, time flies!

Anyway, the packing is coming slowly but surely, and I am highly anticipating the flight tomorrow--and the 9:25 am arrival in Copenhagen (by the way, that's 3:25 NC time. Yikes!) I really am getting excited, though, especially because I want to see what København is actually going to be like. 

Well...I need to get on with my packing, so farvel for now. I'll be certain to post as soon as possible when I arrive and am settled!  


Donna LaHaye said...

Ree, We are so proud of you and know you will enjoy this adventure to "the old country." Have a Blast! xxoo YM/YD

K. Fowler said...

I hope you enjoy your trip very much. Use your photography skills and come back with BEAUTIFUL photos. :) I will try to keep up with you on here and watch as you go. I am so excited about studying abroad next summer, and I might even use this format to keep in touch with my friends and family. you have inspired me :) Look forward to hearing more about your trip!

Lindsay said...

You ARE a dork :)That is all, farvel and all that. Exciting times ahead!

allison said...

Marie! You forgot to pack me in your suitcase and sneak me into Denmark! Ah well...hope your flight went well and your first few days abroad are even better than you are anticipating! Can't wait to see pictures!